Thursday, November 12, 2009

5 Helpful Tips When Adjusting to Change

It's human nature, we don't like change. We like to get into our patterns and find a comfortable routine. However, in life, change is inevitable. Even positive changes can be difficult because it is still an adjustment and you have to learn a new pattern to your daily life. Learning to cope effectively with change is an important skill to attain and will help you throughout life, whether it is a big change such as parenthood or a small change such as moving to a new home.

1. Identify supportive people in your life. Having a solid support system in your life will help ease the change. Try to find people who love you and will help you look at the positive side of change, even when it can be difficult. Try to not isolate yourself. Often when we are going through a difficult time we shy away from other people and find ourselves isolated and depressed. Reach out to the people in your life that you feel most comfortable with and that you know will be supportive.

2. Recall past coping skills. When you are in the middle of an adjustment think back to other changes in your life and try to recall what coping skills you used and put them into play. Often times we forget that we are capable human beings and by recalling past events we find strength in ourselves.

3. Maintain some normalcy. While there is change going on try to maintain some normal patterns. For instance, new parents often feel that their world is turned upside down and there is no way to hold onto any part of their "pre parenthood" life. You may not be able to have normal sleep patterns with a newborn, but maintain healthy eating habits or set aside time for your regular exercise pattern. Often this means reaching out to your support group as mentioned up above.

4. Don't stifle your emotions. Don't stuff your emotions during a time of change, allow yourself to experience the variety of emotions you are likely to experience during a time of change. I don't mean to allow yourself to wallow in these emotions, but allow yourself to express them. Who doesn't feel better after a good cry? Or a great laughing session with a friend? Get those emotions out there!

5. Embrace the change.
Eventually the adjustment to the change will get easier and new patterns will develop. Accepting the change can create a more positive attitude within yourself and help ease the transition. Change is difficult and we all handle change differently. Try some of the tips above and see how they work for you. Reach out to those around you but if you need further assistance or think talking to a professional therapist would help please feel free to contact me.


  1. life, whether it is a big change such as parenthood or a small change such as moving to a new home. check it

  2. Having a solid support system in your life will help ease the change. Try to find people who love you and will help you look at the positive side of change, even when it can be

  3. Try to find people who love you and will help you look at the positive side of change, even when it can be difficult.

  4. Accepting the change can create a more positive attitude within yourself and help ease the transition.

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