Monday, July 25, 2011

How to stay cool during back to school

When my son was born almost 6 years ago the transition into motherhood was a big one, but I handled it well by having a great support group and asking plenty of other mom's for advice. Then last year I transitioned again - into motherhood of a school age child. I am happy to say I survived my son's kindergarten year (with a few tears from both him and I of course) and now we are gearing up for first grade.

The first day of school will quickly be upon us and it can create stressful feelings in both parents and kids. I always feel it is better to be proactive rather than reactive, so here on some ideas on easing the transition back into school:

1. Take the mystery out of the first day of school. If your child is attending a new school make sure they are familiar with the school. Take them on campus, show them their classroom, bathroom locations, administration offices and where drop off/pick up is. This can help ease any anxiety your child may have about how they will navigate their new surroundings. Many school's also have a 'meet and greet' with the teachers a week before school. I encourage you to attend these with your children so you can both meet their teacher and see their classroom.

2. Stock up on supplies! With all the budget cuts in the schools it has left classroom supplies very limited. Be sure your child is stocked up on supplies appropriate to their grade level. This can also build some excitement in your children as they prepare their backpacks with fresh paper, binders, crayons and pencils. Also be sure you have a meal plan prepared. If your child will eat a hot lunch be sure they have money on their school account or stock your fridge with some of their favorite lunch items for cold lunch. Disney Family Fun offers some fun and fresh ideas for your kid's lunches and snacks.

3. Start the school routine early. Summer vacation can throw kid's schedules off in a big way. As a parent I am often guilty of letting my kids stay up later during the summer time, causing my kids to go to bed later and have a hard time waking up in the mornings. One or two weeks before school starts begin to implement their school week schedule. Have your kids go to bed and wake up during their school hours so the first week of school isn't a shock to their system.

4. Keep the learning experience strong, year around. Summer learning loss occurs when kids do not engage in educational experiences throughout the summer. A recent segment on the Today show stated that kids can lose approximately 2.6 months of their grade level during the summer months. This can cause kids to feel very frustrated when school starts again and make homework a battle. With fun summer activities it can be hard to coax your kids into traditional learning activities, so make them fun! Many video games or phone's now have educational apps or programs kids can benefit from. You can also engage them in outdoor learning activities so kids don't have to choose between the outdoors or brushing up on their skills.

5. Keep an open dialogue going with your kids and the school. As the school year begins talk to your kids about what they like about school and what they dislike. It is normal that your child isn't going to love everything about school. Build on the good points to keep your child motivated. If there are ongoing concerns be sure to communicate with your child's teacher to see if education services such as tutoring or an IEP is needed. Parents and teachers both want their kids to succeed so work together, not against each other.

So take a deep breath and put on a smile. Transitions can be bumpy but with the proper tools and right attitude, you and your child can make the transition back into school as smooth as possible and set the stage for a great school year.

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